


rashleighana rashleighana
Cypraeidae Cypraea Talostolida rashleighana rashleighana

r. rashleighana

21,2 mm


7,59 Euro

Shea T. O‘Neill › pacificnightdiver


Hawaiian Islands › Oahu Island › Honolulu › Waikiki

Uncovered during storm. 60ft sand


rashleighana rashleighana 01

Cypraeidae Cypraea Talostolida rashleighana rashleighana

r. rashleighana

21 mm


0,00 Euro

Harold A. Jackson › hawaiianshells


Hawaiian Islands
No data. My estimation Hawaii


Geschenk, eigene Bestimmung

rashleighana rashleighana 02

Cypraeidae Cypraea Talostolida rashleighana rashleighana

r. rashleighana

16,3 mm


> 100 Euro

Lionello Tringali › random


Hawaiian Islands › Oahu Island

60ft under coral slabs on reef, 1959. From an old American collector. Nominotypical rashleighana. The shells was dead collected, but it is shining and rather fresh looking, with very minor flaws only. Comes with full data. The inked number at the basis may be either easily removed with water and brush or kept with this old American collection specimen.


rashleighana rashleighana 03


Schilder & Schilder 1969: Species 

Burgess 1970: Species 

Burgess 1985: Species 

Lorenz & Hubert 2000: Species 

Meyer 2005: Species 

Lorenz 2009: Species 


Schilder & Schilder 1969: Synonym of rashleighana latior

Burgess 1970: Synonym of rashleighana

Burgess 1985: Synonym of rashleighana

Lorenz & Hubert 2000: Synonym of rashleighana


pseudoteres rashleighanarashleighana eunota (f)rashleighana › Googlerashleighana › Ebay
Burgess: The Living Cowries, 1970 Burgess: Cowries of the World, 1985 Burgess & Sage: HSN No. 394, 1992 Chenu: Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Paleontologie Conchyliologique, 1859 Liltved: Cowries and their relatives from Southern Africa, 2000 Lorenz & Hubert: A Guide to Worldwide Cowries, 2000 Lorenz 2001: Monograph of the living Zoila Lorenz 2009: Website (Checklist) Meyer 2005: Website Schilder & Schilder: A Catalogue of Living and Fossil Cowries, 1969 Wilson & Clarkson: Australia´s Spectacular Cowries, 2004