Size relative
Date of Receipt
maculifera maculifera
maculifera maculifera 46,8 mm selected 5,00 Euro Guido T. Poppe › 11.09.2007 Philippines (Visayas) › Negros Island › Negros Occidentale › Cadiz Collected by local fishermen. 2006 - maculifera maculifera 01
maculifera maculifera 63,5 mm F+++ 3,45 Euro Joseph E. Au-Franz › cyp_man 28.09.2007 No data In lava tubes offshore while diving at night, 25ft - maculifera maculifera 04
maculifera maculifera 69,3 mm F+++ 3,45 Euro Joseph E. Au-Franz › cyp_man 28.09.2007 No data In lava tubes offshore while diving at night, 25ft - maculifera maculifera 03
maculifera maculifera 55,4 mm F+++ 4,00 Euro Steve Aloha › *alohasteve50* 30.09.2007 Hawaiian Islands › Kauai Island She‘s in mint condition. Heavy Callous. Exquisite patterns on dorsum. Fabulous Base. - maculifera maculifera 05
maculifera maculifera 33 mm F+++ 3,88 Euro J. Ross Mayhew › orientshells 05.10.2007 Philippines (Visayas) › Cebu Province › Olango Island 10m, Skin Diving, Very pronounced tiny white spots on the dorsum. Both lateral margins are projecting. F+++ quality because of few stress lines - maculifera maculifera 02
maculifera maculifera 57,3 mm F+ 22,94 Euro Randy Bridges › 06.04.2010 Hawaiian Islands › Oahu Island On boulders in 15 meters. Exceptional shell in which the pattern abruptly stops mid-dorsally, exposing the wavy pattern of a juvenile shell. Minor chip in anterior terminal. - maculifera maculifera 07
maculifera maculifera • 72,2 mm - 24,25 Euro David Watts › wattsdave 06.04.2010 Hawaiian Islands › Oahu Island Has some bubbles under the nacre on the base and along one edge. Nice very dark dorsum pattern on the specimen. Super heavy shell. Very heavy callous making this shell very wide. Impressive specimen. - maculifera maculifera 06
maculifera maculifera 62,6 mm F+++ 5,91 Euro Cillan Chan 02.02.2013 Hawaiian Islands dark beauty, small scar in upper dorsum, sligthly dull base still nice - maculifera maculifera 08
maculifera martybealsi
maculifera martybealsi 69,8 mm F+++ 57,54 Euro Douglas Thorn › peristicta 07.11.2009 Marquesas Islands Diver - maculifera martybealsi 01
maculifera scindata
maculifera scindata 47 mm F+++ 14,39 Euro Paula J. Russell › shellmama 18.10.2007 Cook Islands - - maculifera scindata 01
maculifera scindata 52 mm F++/Gem 13,50 Euro Goncalo Rosa › 08.06.2009 Cook Islands › Aitutaki Island Lagoon snorkeling at 1-2 m, dead coral - maculifera scindata 02
maculifera scindata 44,5 mm n.a. 15,00 Euro Felix Lorenz › 08.11.2010 Society Islands › Tahiti › Taiarapu Region Shallow water under coral slabs. No. 309: Mauritia maculifera scindata... ...€ 15 maculifera scindata 03